
insurance & Protection

Mortgage Protection

A life insurance product can be used to repay your mortgage in the event of death. A life insurance policy provides a guaranteed lump sum when you die which can be used to help protect your family financially.

There are two types of cover:

Decreasing – this is designed to cover a repayment mortgage. The amount of cover will decrease in line with your repayment mortgage.
Level – this is designed to cover an interest-only mortgage. The amount covered remains the same over the term of the policy.

Life Insurance

Life insurance, which can also be known as life cover or life assurance, is a type of policy that protects your loved ones with financial support if you die. It can help minimise the financial impact that your death could have on your family and offer peace of mind to those you care about most.

Because this policy relates to your health, you’ll have to answer some health and lifestyle questions when you apply.

You choose the amount of cover you need and how long you need it for and whether you want joint or single life insurance policies.

Income Protection 

Income protection is designed to provide a regular income if you are unable to work through illness or accidental injury leading to a loss of earnings. It pays a monthly amount to you for the term of the policy.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical illness insurance could provide you with a tax-free lump sum payout if you were diagnosed with one or more of the critical illnesses as set out in your policy. In such emotional times, this type of cover can provide you and your family with some financial peace of mind. This would then allow you to fully focus on your recovery and spend time with your family. This money could be used to potentially make up for your lost income, put towards your mortgage, pay towards private medical treatment or be used as you and your family see fit.

Family Income Benefit

What is a family income benefit?

Family income benefit is a special type of life insurance policy. Generally, with life insurance, your loved ones could receive a lump sum payout from your policy when you die. It’s then up to them to handle that money as they wish. With family income benefit, your loved ones could instead receive a regular income for a set period of time.

Buildings & Contents insurance

Your house is probably the most expensive purchase you’ve ever made, but it’s not just an asset. It’s you and your family’s safe place, your personal space and the location of your prized possessions.

Buildings Insurance will cover the cost of repairing or rebuilding the structure of your home should it be damaged or destroyed. Depending on the provider and the type of product, this could include damage to walls, permanent fixtures or fittings, patios and bathroom suites. Domestic buildings such as sheds, garages and greenhouses are also covered, within the boundaries of your land.

Contents Insurance covers your personal belongings against loss or damage and includes everything you’d take with you if you moved home, such as your furniture, kitchen appliances, curtains, bedding, clothing, laptops and jewellery.

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